Friday, 28 March 2008


Meaning: To experience increased project timescales.
Author: PK (thanks to SM for that one)

Friday, 21 March 2008


Meaning: The ability to correspond with ones peers.
Author: FH

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Gaping Jam Hole

Meaning: MMMMMMMM forbidden doughnut
Author: TF

Deliverables, Shmiverbles

Quote: "'suppliers name withheld' don't seem to know what the f**k they're doing!"
Meaning: To be sure, I'd say that the author is particularly unimpressed with the quality of delivered code from a particular supplier.
Author: IF


Meaning: To put up with something annoying.
Author: CO

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

My juicy fruit

Quote: "I need some nuts to go with your juicy fruit."
Meaning: Well you've got to get it 5 times a day haven't you?
Author: TF/FH

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Endolphins "The active ingredient in chilli's causes brain damage by overloading it with endolphins."
Meaning: Intelligent endogenous opioid polypeptides
Author: JB


Quote: "Stop deconcentrating me!"
Meaning: The art of distraction.
Author: PK

JB's 'Quality Bar'

Quote: "My 'quality bar' hangs as low as the gutter."
Meaning: Possibly has something to do with his 'Little Slot' (but we fail to see how - ed), although he refused to be drawn on which way it hangs.
Author: JB

JB's 'Little Slot'

Quote: "I have a little slot."
Meaning: Apparently, JB has some free time ... well on Monday at any rate.
Author: JB

Dirty Sexy Dongle - A nice pair of Double-D's

Quote: "I need a dongle (for something) but unfortunately my Dirty Dongle is broken" (is it just me, or whenever a women says the word dongle, it sounds really dirty ? - ed).
Meaning: How not to look embarrassed in front of a room full of blokes!
Author: TE/GC


Acronym: Feel our way through Elektronical (2) Pack Programming.
Meaning: The process through which scum cards are injested into ScumWorks.
Author: PK

Elektronical (2)

Meaning: An electronic instrument.
Author: PK


Meaning: Danger! High power electronics.
Author: PK

Extentionism is the new Functionalism

Quote: "Working, to what extent?!"
Meaning: Great it works! Hold on, PK might have written it - so how much of it works then?
Author: IF


Quote: "I like filling my Skeletons with Meat."
Meaning: To flesh out a code block.
Author: PK


Meaning: A person, group from the Middle-East.
Author: PK


Meaning: An item originating in the Middle-East.
Author: PK

Prayor Romanee

Meaning: Unknown - probably something to do with Player/Planner interaction/love.
Author: PK


Meaning: A value
Author: PK


Meaning: Of the old world.
Author: PK


Meaning: To make idle (inert, stopped etc).
Author: PK


Meaning: Luxury, Oppulous (not really a word but sounds good! - ed)
Author: PK


Meaning: Curry (the hot stuff in case there is any doubt - ed)
Author: PK


Meaning: As "Shag is to Fuck" and "Off is t.#!$" Arh, fuck it: "To Fuck Off!"
Author: PK


Meaning: BunchOfPack
Author: PK


Meaning: Not very Occurate
Pronunciation: in-ok-ur-at
Author: TF


Meaning: Accurate
Pronunciation: ok-ur-at
Author: PK


Meaning: To be normal (not the hair-care product, tenuous - ed).
Author: PK

Particle of Functionality

Meaning: An individual item of specific purpose in a sea of ‘others’
Author: PK


Meaning: A deck of cards – ‘white’ presumably.
Author: PK


Meaning: To fake something.
Pronunciation: fik-ing
Author: GC / PK


Meaning: (No not a Roman city name) The act of asking for Asylum.
Pronunciation: ass-i-lee-uhm
Author: PK
Notes: One ‘l’ or two - ed?


Meaning: Chav spawn, Child of a Chav, The offspring of a chav, you get the idea!
Pronunciation: chav-ling
Author: TF


Meaning: To travel 'midst chavs.
Pronunciation: chav-a-ling
Author: FH (nice to have a new contributor on board - ed)


Meaning: Of equal measure .
Pronunciation: ey-kyoo-al-ee
Author: PK

Blue's brudders

Meaning: Possessive, Blue cards relating to ‘this’ card.
Author: PK

White brudders

Meaning: Non-rasist, White cards of equal relation.
Author: PK


Meaning: To deep freeze something.
Pronunciation: froh-zin g
Author: PK


Meaning: As reliable as the Mocks (not that we have Mocks on-the-box mind you).
Meaning.alt: The cat in the Hat.
Author: PK (you seem to be generating a lot of content- ed)


Meaning: The opposite of blue (In an EPG context).
Author: PK

Constant Variable

Meaning: A Java variable permanently taking a constant value (sounds like a hack to me - ed)
Meaning.alt: A Java Constant parameter assuming a variable value.
Author: PK


Meaning: A person who enjoys their own company.
Author: PK

Temporary Reengineering

Meaning: To 'refactor the fuck' out of something.
Author: PK


Meaning: To hold a high opinion of one's self.
Author: PK


Meaning: To MishMash
Author: PK


Meaning: A Fucking Factory! (Java factory class that is).
Author: PK


Meaning: The art of extracting a Java stack trace to stdout by whatever means necessary.
Author: PK


Meaning: A hacker who messes with the code.
Author: GC