Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Niagarra Falls

Meaning: Non-Agile method of software development.
Prefix: F**king
Author: PK

Tuesday, 22 April 2008


Meaning: See DeLEEte.
Author: FH


Meaning: The immortalising act of unrecoverably removing ones non backed-up source tree over nfs
Pronunciation: rm -rf *
Author: PK


Meaning: Multiple Sprint Personality Disorder.
Pronunciation: sprint-o-fri-nia
Author: PK

Friday, 18 April 2008


Meaning: A secure repository for customers to view and report boogs. Creates an anti-feeling of peace and tranquility amongst developers and a gives customers that warm and cosy feeling.
Author: FH

Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Never Ending Story

Meaning: TVVM
Author: PK


Meaning: The overwhelming despair experienced by a Development Team Leader upon realizing that there are excessive Blugs during a project's final push. Symptoms include excessive pink ball throwing, shouting and having that knowing smile during team meetings stand-ups before breaking the bad news to the blissfully unaware (or was that ignorant - ed) developers. Also involves excess use of BlameZilla for whipping purposes.
Author: FH


Meaning: The use of Bugzilla to punish the guilty.
Author: GC


Meaning: See CrippleBug.
Author: GC


Meaning: See Blug.
Author: JP


Meaning: A Blocking Boog.
Note: It has nothing whatsoever to do with this although $65 for 2" sounds reasonable!
Author: JP/GC/FH.


Meaning: A well known medical affliction of the te-chi class.
Detail: An intolerance to fixing Boogs, specifically the ability to remember to look in Bugzilla for yours. Some developers appear to suffer from this condition more than others, mentioning no names...
Author: FH

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

A Croydon Special

Meaning: A bit of Charlie (no not this type).
Author: NT

Magic Law#1: Conservation Of Magic

Quote.law: "Magic cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one viewing card to another."
Meaning: Viewing card cloning woes.
Author: IF/FH

Tuesday, 8 April 2008


Meaning: Suffocation due to submersion in multiple copies of ones self resulting in asphyxia.
Author: PK

Magic Green Finger

Meaning: The Golden Sample dev. "Magic Box".
Author: AA


Meaning: Methodology.
Author: FH

Friday, 4 April 2008

Yogorian Time

Meaning: See Yogorian Calendar.
Author: PK/TF.

Yogorian Calendar

Meaning: A Calendar system based on the Absolute and Immutable value: 1st Jan. 2001.
Author: TF

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Enter the Dragon

Quote: "Here be Big Fish!" (and no, the author wasn't point at an ancient map)
Meaning: A Dragons Den Demonstration at the end of the Sprint might contain some reasonably important people.
Author: PK


Meaning: F***ing Retards (better not mention who the author is talking about - ed)
Author: GC

Trash the Cache

Quote: "Caching is for losers!"
Meaning: To optimise or not, that is the question...
Author: MA

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Flash the bitch

Meaning: "I can't flash the bitch." (as in STB - ed)
Author: FH / TF


Meaning: A number of items are correlated.
Author: GC


Meaning: See Lectury.
Author: PK


Meaning: An Architectural presentation for the Marketing dept.
Author: JB/GC